Jumby na língua indígena significa espírito, fantasma, ou apenas o outro, o desconhecido.
Jumby in the indigenous language means spirit, ghost, or just the other, the unknown.

Bay of Shifting Territories I | 85 x 70 cm | Monotype, graphite and metallic pigment | 2018

Bay of Shifting Territories II | 85 x 70 cm | Monotype, graphite and metallic pigment | 2018

Bay of Shifting Territories III | 85 x 70 cm | Monotype, graphite and metallic pigment | 2018

Bay of Shifting Territories VI | 85 x 70 cm | Monotype, graphite and metallic pigment | 2018

Bay of Shifting Territories V | 85 x 70 cm | Monotype, graphite and metallic pigment | 2018

Bay of Shifting Territories VI | 85 x 70 cm | Monotype, graphite and metallic pigment | 2018
Images 1-6 ©Durvile Cavalcanti