Pure culture of pure pureness | 29,7 X 42cm | Bronze watercolor and newspaper on paper | 2016

And vice versa | 29,7 X 42cm | Bronze watercolor and newspaper on paper | 2016

Telling their stories | 29,7 X 42cm | Bronze watercolor and newspaper on paper | 2016

Via a little river | 29,7 X 42cm | Bronze watercolor and newspaper on paper | 2016

To gather and share | 29,7 X 42cm | Bronze watercolor and newspaper on paper | 2016

Enough to drain away | 29,7 X 42cm | Bronze watercolor and newspaper on paper | 2016

Ongoing | 29,7 X 42cm | Bronze watercolor and newspaper on paper | 2016

All over the Artic | 29,7 X 42cm | Bronze watercolor and newspaper on paper | 2016
Naquele momento, as temperaturas amenas da primavera derretiam a neve fazendo com que pequenos rios corressem para todos os lados, formando charcos, lagos, corredeiras e cachoeiras. Da mesma forma que os novos rios, a fluidez da tinta dourada sugeriu caminhos próprios sobre o papel. Fragmentos de trechos de jornais foram adicionados às imagens, formando um pequeno poema. Esses elementos sugerem movimentos das águas, de duração efêmera, tal como maré alta, maré baixa.
A serie High Tide, Low Tide foi produzida em NES Artist Residency, Skagaströnd, Islândia, Primavera de 2016
At that time, the mild spring temperatures melted the snow causing the small rivers to flow to all directions, forming puddles, lakes, rapids and waterfalls. As with the new rivers, the fluidity of the golden ink suggested its own ways on the paper. Fragments of newspaper were added to the images, forming a small poem. These elements suggest water movements, of ephemeral duration, such as with high tide, low tide.
The “Low Tide, High Tide” series were produced at the NES Artist Residency, Skagaströnd, Iceland, 2016
Images 1-8 ©Durvile Cavalcanti